Profile PicturePhilo Vivero

Tutorial Lesson 7 - Face - Rigging Females with Blender

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Complete Course Overview

There are a lot of things you see on a nude that you don’t see on a clothed model. From the scapula to the shoulder, the hips to the toes, there are a lot of concerns that traditional character rigging tutorial series skip. We will skip none of these.

When viewing a nude character, all of her joints, bends, and creases must be addressed. If we fail that, the nude will look low-quality and strange.

Improper treatment of these items lead to drinking-straw collapsed elbows, awful disjointed hips, and necks that look like they belong on a monster. Not only will we improve on these joints, but sometimes we will go above and beyond to add subtle deforms that give a subtle punch to the render that everyone will notice and appreciate, but unlikely even the pros will be able to explain the difference that puts your renders above-and-beyond.

In short, this series of tutorial videos will teach you the required techniques and skills to make your nude character attractive and human-looking.

We will concentrate mostly on Monette Taida, the surfer girl character pictured on this page. She is thin, but not overly so, with enough fatty portions to make her rig more average than, eg, Lilithe Classica, whose rig must take into account how skinny she is.

Monette Taida also is a large-breasted character, which will make the breast rigging portion of the course more obviously beneficial.

This Lesson: Face Rig

This lesson is quite lengthy, broken up into several sessions clocking in around about 4-5hrs! The sessions are as follows:

  1. Impetus-and-OverviewOfBoneGroups 3m40s
  2. VeryQuickOverviewOfOldFaceRig 3m56s
  3. CrownAndHighCheekBones 15m03s
  4. EarControlAndInterfaceWithNeck 5m21s
  5. NoseAndNasolabials 18m58s
  6. FirstMouthControls 10m52s
  7. FinishingMouthControls 16m29s
  8. EyelidsRemeshingForNewRig 4m30s
  9. MoreCheeksAndDimples 32m15s
  10. JawControlAndLipsTweaksAndTongue 33m01s
  11. DimpleDetails 1m21s
  12. DimpleDetailsJoliette 56s
  13. EyeControlsAndEyeObjectParenting 22m00s
  14. Chin 20m04s
  15. EyebonesCheekBones 13m02s
  16. Eyelids 21m46s
  17. Eyebrows-Eyelids-and-EyeControllerConstraints 18m35s
  18. EyelashesPlacementAndEyelidsFixing 19m15s
  19. EyeRigging-ActionConstraints-BlinkingWinkingEtc 44m57s
  20. PupilsScaling 5m57s
  21. MouthActionConstraints 19m45s
  22. EyebrowsController 23m06s

What do the results look like?

A little bit like this...

And a little bit like that...

With a hint of pucker up and smooch!


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My lengthy tutorial controlling the face of a stylised female character in Blender.

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Tutorial Lesson 7 - Face - Rigging Females with Blender

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